Our Gang

In the early days of intramural sports, up to and including the 1960s, fraternities and sororities dominated, winning championships in all types of events. But with the growing cultural change of the times, including the rise of women’s rights in the 1970s, independent groups began to make their presence known on the intramural fields and courts. One independent women’s group in particular rose to dominance and that was Our Gang.

From 1974­–78, this team of women athletes won numerous championships in flag football, softball, badminton and track. Twice the team won All-Trophy and went on to also earn the Jo Chapman Team Sportsmanship Award. Our Gang also goes down in the history books as having won multiple individual awards, including Best Athlete, Best Manager and Outstanding Team Manager. 

Today’s intramural sports program harkens back to 1916 when it was the exclusive domain of men. During its four-year run, the Our Gang team paved the way for women on campus to enjoy the camaraderie of competing in group sports during their college years and and pursuing careers in athletics.